Today I met Celia for our 1st session to discuss her goals, reasons behind her goals and to get to know Celia as a person before we begin the training.
Celia is a very friendly, down to earth married woman with children. Celia works as a delivery driver Monday to Friday so has a very sedentary job.
Celia wants to loose up to 2 stone in weight and drop down to a size 12 while becoming fitter and healthier at the same time. Celia currently smokes but is in the process of quitting and at present is down to 5 – 10 cigarettes per day. She is finding it hard at certain times to avoid reaching for a cigarette so tends to snack more which isn’t helping her weight loss.
Celia is very upbeat and confident about achieving her desired goals and is looking forward to the challenge ahead. An optimistic approach is very important not in just fitness but in all ways of life and Celia has plenty.
After taking her 1st weight in followed by measurements, BMI and body fat % Celia and myself went in to the gym to do some fitness tests.
As Celia wants to improve her fitness she will do a 5km cycle and a 1000m row with times recorded. Also Celia performed as many full sit ups and full press ups without stopping. These along with the row and cycle will be redone over the course of the training so we can she how Celia’s fitness is improving.
Celia’s been weighted, measurements taken, goals discussed and fitness tested. We are ready to GO!!!
Celia’s optimistic and realistic approach to her goal gives her a real chance to succeed with Josh, Celia and myself working together I believe we are in for a challenging and rewarding journey together cultivating a new healthier, fitter and new Celia.
I look forward to helping Celia achieve her goals
Simon Tranter
Marriott Personal Trainer