Some Things are just better together - Training Together. Marriott Breadsall Priory's Personal Training Solution
Saturday, 25 May 2013
Perfect Pull Ups
Perfect Pull Ups By Karl O’Sullivan
If you look at any fitness website, magazine or quick tip, the pull up and chin up are always at the top of the list of best gym exercises. It’s a staple to any programme, amongst the best body weight exercises and easily adapted for all levels. A lot of people however avoid taking to the pull up bar believing that pull ups are too difficult or just unachievable for them, yet there are simple ways to build the strength needed to perform those perfect pulls. A controlled pull up uses so many muscles and if you can achieve 2 to 3 reps then that’s great, work in sets of 2 to 3 reps and your body will quickly adapt to the challenge and your rep range will increase to 6, then 8 and not long after you’ll be performing sets of 10. If you struggle with that single rep don’t despair, the perfect pull up is still attainable, simply start by building the foundation strength need by focusing on the eccentric movement (the lowering phase of the exercise). Have a trainer lift your body for the upwards portion of the movement and then unassisted lower your body as slowly as you can and repeat this process, keeping the movement at all times smooth and controlled, limiting any swinging to a minimum.
Even if you don’t have a trainer you can simply jump up grasp the bar and then slowly lower yourself, jumping up each time to achieve the lifting phase of the movement.
You’ll be surprised at how quickly your body will adapt and how quickly your strength will develop.
Training within the fitness industry has gone through many changes, one in particular is the focus on functional and sports specific training, pull ups fall into this category building fully functional and transferable strength, after all being able to curl a heavy weight is rather pointless if you can’t lift and control your own body weight. Once you become comfortable with pull ups and chin ups you can start exploring all the variations, increasing weight by use of a weight belt or weighted jacket, overhand grip, under hand grip, side to side pulls and L shape pulls.
So come into the gym and spend some time at the bar!
Monday, 6 May 2013
Wk1 set 1
Wk12 set 1
Wk1 set 2
Wk12 set 2
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Swiss Ball Chest Press
Swiss Ball Reverse Fly
Bosu Squat
Back Lunge with Shoulder Press
Side Lunge with Bicep Curl
Swiss Ball Hamstring Curls
Above is a table to show Celia’s progress over 12 weeks. Celia performed each exercise for 45s with the amount being recorded. She had 30s rest in-between each station and technique was taken into account so if not performed correctly that rep wasn’t counted. E.g. squats had to be 90 degree angle at the knee to count. After 1st set of each, Celia had 3mins rest before repeating the circuit as before.
The table shows not only improvement in reps in week 12 but also a massive improvement on her 2nd sets which shows greater fitness levels and stamina from week 1. Celia’s technique also improved throughout both sets of 45seconds.
Over the 12 weeks Celia she has made massive strides with increasing her fitness levels. Her technique in performing both resistance and cardio exercises has really impressed both Josh and Myself. Celia continually pushes herself within her sessions and the table above indicates this .
Recording your results as above is a great tool in providing feedback for your clients allowing you to ensure your clients desired results are being achieved.
Motivation to get fit!
Do you need motivation to get fit?
Any of the following reasons should be motivation enough!
1) Increase your lifespan.
2) Help you sleep better.
3) Reduce you daily stress levels
4) Improve your eating habits by encouraging a healthy lifestyle
5) Make life more pleasurable by having the energy to enjoy life
6) Improve your sex life
7) Reduce your chance of getting ill
8) Increase the amount of seratonin in your blood. This is your bodies natural happy drug
9) Improve self esteem
10) Maybe even change your life. We know of many people who have embarked on a fitness regime only to take it up as a career or even the improved motivation, self esteem and character it has given them has driven them to do something different.
You will never know where life takes you if you can just make that initial step. Personal training can help, as can fitness membership. The first step however comes from within. YOU should be your biggest fan and You should be your biggest motivator. Don't rely on others to get you there, but instead use their knowledge, skills and expertise to deliver the results you already know you are capable of!

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