Friday, 26 July 2013

Have you considered Sports and Remedial Massage?

If you’re like most people, you’ve had a sore neck or back after sitting too long at a desk, or you’ve had slight knee pain after a long run or cycle.  Perhaps you’ve noticed a decrease in your range of movement or that it seems to take you longer to recover from a training session. This is where sport and remedial massage therapy comes in.
During a treatment we work to identify the specific muscles and muscle groups that cause your day to day discomfort or impede your athletic performance.  I use manual therapy techniques to release tension in muscles and restore balance – not only where you feel pain but also in areas of tension that contribute to your problem.  The techniques we use include myofascial release, muscle energy techniques and soft tissue and trigger pointing. These techniques work deep into your muscles and soft tissue easing out those areas of tension effectively reducing those aches and pains.
In each session I will work with you with the aim to help you understand the factors influencing your discomfort.  Not only do I want to remedy the problem but also help you understand ways to help prevent its reoccurrence. Most sessions include advice on stretching, posture, or an activity you can do that will help your specific issue.
Sports and remedial massage therapy focuses on soft tissue aspects of problems, such as muscle and connective tissue.  This means that if your problem has an additional, non-soft-tissue related element, you may need to see someone else in addition to or instead of us, such as your GP, a physiotherapist, osteopath, or other health professional.  You can rest assured that if I’m not seeing the progress I  would expect I will suggest you see someone else as appropriate, and I’m happy to provide updates and progress reports to or coordinate treatments with other practitioners.

If you are interested or would like more information please ask at the leisure reception for Zoe our Sports Therapist.

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