At Breadsall Priory we love to keep up to date and different training methods, old and new and we love getting outdoors with our training. We have recently acquired Tractor tyres, heavy duty for that king of total body exercises, the tyre flip! A few people have questioned what exactly it is we are doing and why, not to mention what the benefits are, so let’s quickly discuss.
The tyre flip is basically using the same lifting technique as a dead lift, you stand toes to the tyre, bend the knees, send the hips back and take hold of the bottom of the tyre with an under hand grip (as opposed to the standard over hand grip in a barbell dead lift) then keeping a strong and neutral spine you drive up through the heels and stand tall, that’s you your dead lift, but with the tyre you keep lifting greater engaging your arms and as soon as the tyre is standing upright you push it down powerfully to the floor and then repeat. So the tyre flip engages just about every muscle in the body and recruits more muscle activation of the core, biceps and triceps than your standard dead lift.
Our trainers also use different adaptation to make the exercise more fun, Karl said ‘I like to perform the tyre flip and then jump into the center of the tractor tyre and back out, turn around and keep repeating, it gives a really good lower abdominal workout and pushes your agility and staying power’
whilst instructing in the Saturday morning bootcamp Corey explained how ‘the tyre flip is really good because it’s tough, you never have to worry about equipment getting damaged and because we have more than one tractor tyre I like to get people racing, because it’s so different to what they usually do they really focus and don’t think about how hard they’re working and when you bring in that element of competition people really dig deep and push hard’
The outdoor training is something to look forward to and will be available for those attending Bootcamp sessions or looking for one to one personal training.

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