The world of fitness is varied and there are
good points, bad points and plain confusing points. This week I want to address
attitudes towards training, recently I have heard some very confusing
statements by people in regards to their training, such as, ‘how do I lose
weight with the least effort?’ ‘I don’t want to train like that because I will
get really sweaty’ ‘I don’t do those lifts they are too difficult’ ‘I am not
very good at that so i never train it’ and so on…
A large percentage of people who go to the gym will do the same thing day in
and day out, the same thing for months and years, with little motivation,
little energy, no thought to adding new elements, people today seem to do what
they think they know and little else, hardly pushing themselves, never working
up a sweat, no increase in weight, intensity, pace or recovery, just same old
different day.Firstly the simplest way I can put it is ‘if it doesn't challenge you, it doesn't change you!’ training should challenge your abilities, you should work, sweat, push hard, dig deep and have to power your way through. Recently I did circuit based training on my weaknesses, I chose for things I am not great on and put them into a chain focusing on my technique, strength and endurance. You won’t lose weight sticking to the same pace, you won’t get fitter doing the same few exercises with huge amounts of rest, you won’t get bigger lifting the same weight for the same reps, you will simply plateau.
There are so many types of training, so many variations and so much to master, there are a multitude of lifts, fitness and endurance training methods, lifting techniques, skill and agility building, flexibility and all round conditioning methods, so try them, bring back some excitement to your training and if you’re not sure where to start then find a trainer, we have a personal training team here at Breadsall Priory, we all have various backgrounds and experiences with fitness and our individual training methods vary and complement one another, we offer one to one training, group classes, inductions, personal programs and not to mention we are always happy to answer your health and fitness questions, our training team also work on the reception so don’t be scared to have a quick chat about your training or what new training we are doing, fitness is our career, our passion and we love the opportunity to talk about fitness and jump at the opportunity to train. So let’s reignite some passion and bring back that get up and go, in short, let’s get back in the gym and let’s smash it!
My Weakness Workout
30 wall balls
20 double unders
10 pull ups
5 muscle ups
For 5 rounds.

Karl O'Sullivan
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