Nowadays training legs doesn’t have the same appeal as say training your chest or biceps does to most guys, maybe due to the fact that you don’t see that instant pump you would do training biceps and the fact that training legs can cause DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness). Meaning the next couple of days can be reasonably painful to walk. However legs are actually the most important muscle to train as they are the largest muscle group and training them will increase the release of growth hormone throughout the entire body. Not only will it stop you looking completely out of proportion but having strong legs helps you generate more power performing upper body exercises. If you aren’t familiar with that many legs exercises the guys here at Breadsall Priory can give you that much needed advice on how to build strong legs, this should help to avoid looking like our friend pictured just above here. We also have a Legs Bums And Tums class starting in January so feel free to book in and come along. Corey Hodgkinson
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